Due to the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre’s (KSrelief) outstanding humanitarian work, it was worthy of receiving five international honours in 2024.
Remarkably, the centre’s effectiveness as a humanitarian organisation on Arab and international levels is evident as it has focused its relief efforts on all countries and regions worldwide, demonstrating its ability to provide numerous humanitarian works.
Pioneering Achievements
In recognition of the King Salman Relief Center’s work helping occupied Palestinian children and families, the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States – Social Affairs Sector, Family and Childhood Department, presented the centre with the Family and Child-Friendly Institutions Award for 2024. 
Moreover, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre received the ISO 37000 Governance and ISO 373001 Compliance Management certifications after applying for and meeting the two systems’ international requirements and receiving European international accreditation.
Notably, the centre was among the first to get the British PCMS company’s ISO Governance and Compliance Management certificate, to represent institutional quality and dedication to global standards.
Likewise, the National Council on US-Arab Relations has awarded the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre the Global Humanitarian Achievement Award, recognising Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian, relief, and volunteer efforts.
The centre’s mission is to support the poor and impacted without discrimination by implementing projects and programs in critical areas like health, nutrition, education, water, environmental sanitation, and others.
In addition, the King Salman Centre earned the Forbes Middle East Award in the social responsibility category, a decision that demonstrates the calibre of its work, its humanitarian influence, and the fusion of the ideals of generosity and creativity.
Besides, the award seeks to encourage local entities to incorporate the concept of social responsibility into all of their programs and activities. It strives to provide distinguished services through programs of comprehensive and sustainable development and to spread a culture of social responsibility throughout the Kingdom.
Read more: Saudi-Syrian Solidarity on World Humanitarian Day
A Legacy of Compassion: KSrelief’s Impact
The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre set a world record for the Voluntary Medical Centre project for cochlear implants for Syrian children in Reyhanli City, Republic of Turkey, under the Saudi Hearing Program. The project occurred between October 31 and November 6, 2024, and the medical team involved in the campaign implanted 122 cochleae in 14 hours.
On behalf of the Centre’s staff, the Crown Prince, and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, the advisor to the Royal Court and Supervisor General of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, expressed gratitude for their unwavering support of the Centre’s work and the humanitarian bridges the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is constructing with all nations through it, which has elevated the Kingdom to the forefront of humanitarian efforts.
Also, it enabled the kingdom to sustain this level of recognition on a regional and global scale. Its assistance to millions of families afflicted by epidemics, wars, and crises worldwide has been invaluable, and its cooperation with other countries has yielded noteworthy results for the betterment of people in need.
Naturally, this relates to the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre’s work in 2024; we also can’t overlook the centre’s recent efforts to build a land and air bridge to the Syrian Arab Republic, which has been devastated by 14 years of conflict, leaving families displaced and infrastructure destroyed.
Impressively, all Syrian governorates received various food items, humanitarian supplies, and medical equipment that the centre sent out on nine flights.
Read more: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre is Continually Providing Aid
A Leading Role in Global Relief
In 2015, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques issued an order creating the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, which works with international organisations and bodies to help those in need worldwide.
In collaboration with several international and regional partners, the centre has delivered humanitarian, relief, and development aid to more than 55 countries internationally, benefiting over 415 million people and totalling more than $1 billion, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
Further, one of the most prominent humanitarian organisations is the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, thanks to its work.
On top of that, the centre serves as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian branch, allowing Saudi Arabia to show its support for all peoples worldwide, irrespective of their nations and variety. This arm has comprehensively recorded all forms of aid and assisted all Arabs and people throughout the world.
Read more: Saudi Humanitarian Aid to Three Nations’ International Organisations, Including Syria