Artificial intelligence has emerged as a highly significant technological advancement. In recent times, it has played a vital and renewed...
The World Health Organisation recently named Jeddah the first green city in the Middle East, an extraordinary accomplishment that demonstrates Saudi Arabia’s dedication to raising living...
“MADAK” Competition: Would you like to visit space and discover its mysteries? Are you brilliant in the arts, with plants, or with engineering? Do you want...
Saudi Renewable Energy anticipates launching projects with a capacity of up to 20 gigawatts by 2024 are part of its energy diversification efforts. This announcement comes...
The Sustainable Building Programme has achieved significant sustainability achievements. By applying sustainability standards to over seventy Saudi sustainable buildings with luxurious areas exceeding 50 million square...
The biggest architectural design firm globally, Gensler, has recently published its annual report on the built environment’s worldwide trends for the year 2024. Seven major trends...
This year, scientists in California successfully repeated the nuclear fusion process at least three times, a significant step towards a more sustainable future for humanity. A...
AI technology adoption: Over the past 12 months, Saudi Arabia has led the world in the adoption of artificial intelligence. With leaders demonstrating a strong interest...
International leaders convened in Dubai towards the end of November 2023 to discuss climate-related issues and consider ways to address them under the UN’s jurisdiction. ...
AI: Saudi Arabia leads the global “Government Strategy” sector, evaluating over 60 countries, with Germany and China following in second and third place, respectively. However, what...