The Saudi Market Most Sought-After Artificial Intelligence Jobs
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The Saudi Market’s Most Sought-After Artificial Intelligence Jobs



The Saudi Market: The First global Labour Market Conference in Riyadh joined with over 6,000 participants and 150 speakers in 40 events.

The Saudi Market: More than 6,000 people attended the 40 sessions of the First International Labour Market Conference in Riyadh, which featured 150 speakers.

The chairman of the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority, Engineer Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, made it clear that artificial intelligence will enhance human labour by automating some activities, not replacing them.

Al-Ghamdi went on to say that over the next five years, artificial intelligence anticipates creating 69 million new employment worldwide.

Regarding the most important positions in the Saudi labour market with the greatest development potential, he mentioned the following:

  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer
  • Artificial intelligence researcher
  • Data scientist
  • Artificial intelligence artist
  • Artificial Intelligence Writer
  • Input engineer
  • Content experts

Al-Ghamdi highlighted that companies around the globe are having trouble locating the talent they require for artificial intelligence.

He added that there may be dangers in the labour market if there is a lack of proactive and strategic handling of this problem.

Al-Ghamdi emphasised the significance of advancing artificial intelligence skills and capabilities to meet these challenges.

Furthermore, he mentioned that the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority has started training and qualification programmes to support efforts to develop skills.

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