Kuwait's Embassy Marks National and Liberation Day in London
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Kuwait Commemorates National and Liberation Day in London



Kuwait's Embassy in the United Kingdom hosted a grand reception in a festive and patriotic on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the State of Kuwait’s Embassy in the United Kingdom hosted a grand reception in a festive and patriotic setting to commemorate the 63rd National Day of the State of Kuwait’s Independence and the 33rd Anniversary of Liberation Day.

Members of diplomatic missions, the British Parliament, dignitaries, lords and barons, and political, military, economic, cultural, and Islamic leaders attended the event, which took place at the Peninsula Hotel in central London.


Bader Al-Awadhi, Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, began his speech at the ceremony by emphasising the close and strong relations between the two friendly and partner countries. Additionally, Kuwait’s support for efforts to achieve a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and alleviate Palestinian suffering.

Al-Awadhi also expressed gratitude to the United Kingdom and all friendly nations for their contributions to Kuwait’s liberation, along with the efforts they are making to enhance connections and collaboration between the two nations in all areas, particularly through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, members of the British Parliament, political parties, and economic and intellectual institutions.


He referred to the “125th anniversary of the launch of the Kuwaiti-British partnership,” emphasising the numerous accomplishments that the two nations had made in the previous year, chief among them being the triumphant visits to the United Kingdom by His Highness Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Kuwaiti Investment Office’s founding in London, and the beginning of the strategic dialogue.


Al-Awadhi highlighted the strong collaboration between the two nations in the cultural domain, which is exemplified by the presence of ten thousand students in the United Kingdom, as well as the domains of health and defence, and other areas that are planned to be strengthened shortly.


Pride and Honour

The British Ambassador to the nation, Belinda Lewis, stated on the occasion, “I would like to congratulate His Highness the Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad and the masses of celebrants on the occasion of their joint commemoration of the sixty-third National Day and the thirty-third Liberation Day.”


She continued, “This year is particularly significant in the history of Kuwait and the United Kingdom, as we celebrate a century and a quarter of our two nations’ partnership with tremendous pride. We are proud of all that we have accomplished together, including our collaboration in defending Kuwait’s sovereignty and territorial integrity during the First Gulf War.

I hope everyone has a nice long weekend spent with their loved ones.”


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